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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Roasted Peaches

Summer is over as far as I'm concerned. Sure, the kids are still in camp and the weather's still hot and balmy. The lawn still requires weekly mowing, and my children are all tanned and healthy-looking.

But as far as I'm concerned, summer's over and done with. I had my little bit of vacation time (no complaints; it was lovely), spent loads of time with the kids, and caught up on my cookbook reading.

Now I'm back at work. Sitting at my desk for what seems like 24 hours a day (it isn't). Spending endless hours in meetings and conferences.

The only thing that feels like summer is the produce. The lovely tomatoes. The fresh herbs on my patio. The abundance of zucchini. And the peaches. Oh, my, the peaches.

As long as there are peaches, there's still a bit of summer left for me. Here's a simple way to enjoy them.

Roasted Peaches

5 small peaches
1 tablespoon butter
1-2 tablespoons sugar (use white, brown, or turbinado)
cinnamon, if desired

Preheat the oven to 425* and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Peel the peaches. My hands-down favorite way to do this is using the Kuhn Rikon Piranha Y Peeler. It requires ZERO fuss, ZERO water boiling, and ZERO patience. You just peel the peaches like you would any other fruit. Ingenious.

Cut the peaches in half and remove the stones. Lay them out on your baking sheet - hollow sides UP.

Put a nice large dot of butter into each peach half, and then sprinkle some sugar over the butter dots. (Use as much sugar as you like, depending how sweet you like 'em and how sweet they started.)

Sprinkle with a bit of cinnamon, if you like.

Roast for about 25 minutes, till the butter is bubbling and the fruit seems to be getting a bit soft. Eat hot or warm, with yogurt, ice cream, or unadorned. (Refrigerate leftovers and rewarm before serving.)

Linking this up to Mingle Monday, Weekend Bloggy Reading, Seasonal PotluckReal Food Wednesday, Pennywise Platter Thursday, and Fit and Fabulous Fridays.


  1. Yum! Would this work without peeling the peaches first?


  2. Hi, Miriam. I very much prefer to peel my peaches first because I find otherwise the peels slide off and don't feel too pleasant in my mouth. But I suppose it's all a matter of taste!

  3. Rivki,
    Wow. I love the simplicity of this dessert. Bet it tastes amazing. Can't wait to try it before the summer peaches are history.

  4. Wow, that looks so yummy. The peaches are definitely in full force here (southern Ontario), so I will definitely be trying this!!

  5. They look tantalizing! So good. I love my peaches and this is such a great and easy way to prepare them!

  6. Oooh those look yummy! I know what I'll make this week with the nectarine surplus I have.

  7. These look delish! We just picked about 40 peaches off our trees....mmmm!

  8. Yeah for peaches! I still have an abundance in my refrigerator, but I feel like I already want to plan a day to go picking again. Please share on the potluck page!

  9. Roasting fruit is such a nice trick. I love roasting stone fruit and serving with yogurt.

  10. Oh my goodness these just look so delicious. We love peaches but have never tried them this way but that's about to change!!

  11. I've grilled peaches, but never tried roasting them. Peaches are great to begin with, but when you cook them and they get all browned and caramelized? Even better!

  12. So simple and so scrumptious! I'm over summer - but not the produce! Still waiting for a 100 tomatoes to turn red in my garden.

  13. Sometimes it's nice to be back at work and on a schedule.

  14. This sounds so good and it also sounds simple. Peaches are a favorite. Thanks for sharing it.

  15. If it weren't for the produce, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ahve even realized that it was summer! Roasted peaches sound like the perfect healthy dessert.

  16. I just love this! I've never thought to roast peaches and they are so beautiful right now! The perfect dessert.

  17. I've never roasted fruit before, but it looks so good! Peaches are my favorite fruit.

  18. Roasted peaches looks awesome . I love the fruits when they gets caramelized and increase the flavors.

  19. Those look amazing. You literally have my mouth watering...

  20. Roasted peaches....delicious! I look forward to trying this healthy dessert recipe. Thank you for sharing on Fit and Fabulous Fridays!! :)
