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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Corn Tabouleh

I am under strict orders. Here is what I have been instructed to say. This salad is lovely. It is pretty and colorful. It looks like summer itself.

It is not, however, Kid Friendly. In fact, it is decidedly Kid Unfriendly. Children, for example, who do not like pepper will NOT like this dish. Neither will children who do not like bulgur. Or children who don't like olive oil, lime juice, or corn (is there really anyone who doesn't like corn?).

But I ask you. Should I refrain from posting this lovely recipe just because a certain almost-twelve-year-old Miss Particular doesn't happen to like any of the ingredients therein?

Wouldn't that be a shame?

So my instructions to you are as follows. Make this recipe. Soon. Before the local corn is gone. Savor it. Enjoy it. But don't serve it to your particular children. They might not be so nice about it.

Corn Tabouleh
Makes 4-6 generous servings

1/2 cup bulgur wheat
4 ears of corn, husks removed, cooked and cooled
2 peppers (I used one green and one red)
3 scallions
a handful of basil, parsley or cilantro
1/4 teaspoon salt
juice of 1 lime
2 tablespoons olive oil

Cook the bulgur according to the package instructions. Or, if you don't have the package, do what I did: bring some water to a boil and pour it over the bulgur so it covers it and then some. Cover and let soak for about 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork and let cool.

Cut the corn off the cobs. Chop the peppers, dice the scallions, and mince the herbs. Combine the vegetables in a large bowl, and then add the salt, lime juice, and oil.

Add the cooled bulgur and then refrigerate for at least an hour (overnight is fine too) to let the flavors meld.

Serve within a day or two.


  1. Yum! I love the addition of corn.

  2. Funny, it IS pretty, but I don't like tabouleh either because of the parsley. Love the idea of subbing in another green herb.

  3. I love tabbouleh and love corn and every other ingredient you have in yours, lol. I'll try it before the corn is gone.

  4. It sounds amazing! I will not serve it to any children though--I'm sure I would get the same response!

  5. So glad my children aren't particular:) Love the addition of corn. This looks delish!

  6. Delicious! I want some now! One day my son is incredibly particular and the next he will eat just about anything. You never can tell!

  7. I have a 4 year old who will eat clams, olives, peppers but dislikes corn - go figure. I think this looks great!

  8. Love tabouleh but don't make it nearly as often as I should. Your recipe looks so easy and delicious. Definitely trying this soon when we grill outside on the weekend

  9. I love this recipe--I want to make it for Shabbos. Such a great late summer idea. I might go with whole wheat couscous instead of bulghur ( know . . . it would be couscous salad then, not tabouli). My kids will eat anything couscous. They just leave over the parts they don't like. (you know, like the vegetables)

  10. I love corn and bulgur together! I've done something similar, but use the corn raw.

  11. goodness if I didn't post food that my 2 year old miss particular didn't like I wouldn't have much food on my blog - glad you enjoyed this and posted it - looks lovely

  12. Here I thought I had heard every variation on tabbouleh possible- Hemp tabbouleh, quinoa tabbouleh, grainless tabbouleh... But corn tabbouleh? So innovative and exciting! A perfect way to send off corn for the season, too.

  13. Well, as someone who likes EVERY SINGLE INGREDIENT here...I'm sure I would love this!

  14. Laura -- We're on the same page here, I love making tabbouleh for Shabbos. It's perfect for seudat shlishit, but I've also served it as a main dish for lunch.

  15. I am glad that I am not twelve because this sounds just fine, to me. I have to sub for the bulgar which Hubs can't have. I could use rice or quinoa.

  16. This ended up being the inspiration for a pasta dish: farfalle with corn, peppers, scallions, lime, olive oil, pesto (I couldn't find fresh basil), sun-dried tomatoes, and avocado.

  17. Incredibly delicious, easy to prepare and the most important- healthy.
