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Sunday, October 30, 2011

A exchange for some input

As you may have noticed, I sort of dropped from the face of the planet this month. I accepted a promotion at work which means I'm working super hard, super crazy hours. I have less time than ever before (who thought it was possible?) and am trying to figure out the right balance of work, family, and me-time. Blogging just hasn't been fitting into the picture, at least not yet. Thanks for your inquiries and emails. It feels good to know I'm missed.

If you happen to stop by here I'd love your input. For now, I'll definitely be posting less often. How do you feel about posts with musings and recipes only - no photos? I know that one of the things I enjoy most about food blogs is the photography. What about you? Would you be interested in posts without photos or would I lose your attention? 

Thanks again for all your support. I hope to be back soon.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread (adapted from Mollie Katzen's Sunlight Cafe)
This recipe makes one loaf. I usually use the large 28 oz. jar of pumpkin and double the quantities to make two loaves. They freeze beautifully, and if you slice the cake and individually wrap the slices before freezing, you've got a quick and easy snack (or breakfast) to go. 

1 small can (15 oz.) 100% pumpkin puree
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons oil or melted butter
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup chocolate chips
1 cup white flour
1 cup whole wheat flour

Preheat the oven to 350*. Spray a loaf pan with nonstick spray.

Combine the pumpkin, eggs, vanilla and oil in the bowl of an electric mixer. Use the paddle attachment to stir them thoroughly till smooth.

Add the salt, baking powder and sugar, and mix on low speed for a minute or so till the dry ingredients are combined.

Add the chocolate chips and flours and mix on low just till combined. The mixture will be quite thick.

Transfer the batter to the loaf pan and bake for an hour or so (a little less if you like your cake less dry). Once the cake is cool enough to handle, remove it from the pan and cool thoroughly on wire racks before serving or freezing.


  1. I, for one, will definitely miss the photographs, but will settle for whatever I can get. The recipe for pumpkin choco chip bread looks delicious. Can I put in a request for more recipes for salads and healthy side dishes?

  2. Glad you are well. I love photos - they really say so much. However better words than nothing!

  3. Hey girl- congrats on your new promotion/job. i am sure it is hard to juggle it all. You do what you want to do on here- it is your blog and we love your recipes whether they have pics or not- that is how the coobooks in the good old days were done anyway! This bread recipe sounds yummy

  4. It's good to see you back, Rivki! As for a post without pics, I personally wouldn't particularly like it because I need a visual to go with a recipe. I'd be OK with 1 single pic of the end product, it's so much nicer when you see what it should look like, especially for readers who intend to make it (even if it's just a snapshot). Although reading about your new workload, it sounds like you don't need the hassle of taking pictures on top of everything else...

  5. Congrats on your new promotion, I think it will be appealing you at least post a picture of final product. You blog depending your convenience. My hubby says blogging should be fun not a stress.

  6. Mazal tov on your promotion. I was getting a little nervous, so glad to hear that all is well. I will miss the pictures, but will still love to see recipes. I just tried your comfort veggie soup and it got great reviews, so I'm looking forward to more!

  7. I'm with Swathi -- though I'll miss the photographs of the techniques, what is really indispensable is the picture of the finished product. Congratulations on your promotion!

  8. What about posting just once a month with photos? I think they add tremendously to any blog post and help hold readers' attention.

  9. Congratulations on the promotion. I've missed your posts, but am glad all is well. My feeling is that a post without a photo is better than going a long time without any posts. The pumpkin loaf sounds yummy (without a photo even!).

  10. I love photos and particularly yours. If I can make a suggestion, would it be less time consuming to post only one photo - the finished project? It is important to me, to see what the dish is supposed to look like but honestly, the steps, while helpful, are not necessary.

  11. I must admit, I am largely drawn into blogs because of their photos... But a blog is about personal expression. It should be what you want to do, what you want to share, in whatever form that may be. Otherwise, you'll come to resent it and not want to blog at all, which is certainly worse than simply not posting photos. :)

  12. Aww sweetie, I know what it's like to have an insane-o schedule. Don't worry about us. Just write when you can and when you want to and we'll still be here when you do!

  13. Congratulations! You know it has always boggled my mind when people talk about doing a quality post in under a half hour.

    Your photos are lovely, but I don't think an absolute requirement. I think that many times the technique, while interesting to watch doesn't require a set of photos--there are probably some exceptions to this. I like the idea of a single photo as a compromise if that is feasible.

  14. Every blog is different and I find that sometimes I've made a really great dish, but can't take a decent photo to post! I'm able to read a recipe and know whether or not I'd like it based on the ingredients, so I'm not that driven by the photo. And in this post, no photo, but great recipe!! I'd make it!!

  15. I definitely prefer photos, and I tend to not read text as much, but I love pumpkin, chocolate chips, and Molly Katzen, so this recipe caught my eye! I am definitely going to try this bread out. YUM!

  16. Great recipe ! I made it! It`s delicious!!! And it looks great , too!

  17. Is it horrible to say that you're making me feel better about my own inability to work full time, juggle six kids, and post more than once a month? I'd prefer less frequent posts with photos, but do whatever works and don't stress. The last thing you need is your blog haunting the back of your brain.

  18. The reason I visit particular food blogs is for their pictures. On the other hand, there are a few blogs I enjoy that don't have 'amazing' photos, but the recipes and writing are great. It's always nice to have a picture so people can see the dish. Hunger starts in the eyes. I think I just made that up.

    Anyway, answering your question about the lemon pie. You can use any lemon variety you have on hand. Limes work too!

    Let me know how it works out for you.

  19. I like your site! But I have to have pictures! So please don't stop the photography!

  20. If you must, please change the frequency of your posts rather than give up the pictures! The only reason I ever try ANY recipe is because of the pictures! I have enjoyed many of your recipes but I honestly wouldn't have tried them if you hadn't posted pictures. Please keep it going!

  21. I agree the pictures do add to the color of these blogs and can give one an appetite just by browsing.

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