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Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Year in Review... and a farewell

I hate goodbyes. I always have. This is more of a 'so long, see you soon' kind of a goodbye. If you've been following my saga here (and over at my other blog) you know that life's gotten busy lately. Very busy. And I just haven't been able to find a balance that allows time for work, family, cooking, and blogging. Unfortunately, the blogging's got to go. For now.

It's been sad for me not to be able to photograph and post. I love it and I was actually becoming half good at it. I have a sweet group of followers, and I love you guys. But I just can't manage it all now - between my super crazy work schedule, my husband's insane school/study schedule, and my always hungry and always wonderful family, there just isn't enough time in the day.

Here's a sendoff to 2011 and to my blogging. For now. I will be back. When things quiet down and I can make some time for this wonderful hobby. I don't know if it'll be six months or a year. Maybe more, maybe less. But I do hope we'll meet again when I return. In the meantime, thanks for visiting and commenting. Please keep visiting this place. Please keep writing. (Fellow food bloggers, I'll still be stopping by your blogs and doing the same.) Thanks for your support. Have a wonderful year.

# 1 Reader Favorite: Zucchini Banana Bread
#2 Reader Favorite: Roasted Peaches.

#3 Reader Favorite: Lemon Mint Zucchini Pancakes
#4 Reader Favorite: Raspberry Peach Tart

#5 Reader Favorite: Pan Fried Chickpeas
#6 Reader Favorite: Chocolate Muffins

#7 Reader Favorite: Baby Bok Choy Salad

#8 Reader Favorite: Signature Chocolate Chip Cookies


  1. I miss you and I'll be here whenever you return! Wishing you the best for the New Year! xoxo

  2. Rivki, I'm so sorry to see you go. Your blogs are beautiful, funny, and they've provided a lot of good eating for my family. Indian cholent. Lemon chicken meatballs. Roasted chick peas. Whole wheat sandwich bread. Vegetable soup. Dried fruit muffins. Baked apples.

    You also inspired my own blog, which has been a great experience. Keep reading those cookbooks... if I ever win the lottery, I'll offer you a million bucks a year to be my personal chef.

  3. Hi Rivki, I've missed your posts these last months, and I'm sorry to hear you have to take a break from blogging, although I understand why it's necessary. I hope everything goes well for you and your family, and that you'll return to blogging sooner rather than later ;-) All the best for 2012!

  4. I will be missing you Rivki- it seems like we just missed each other in this little blogging world. I will be eagerly waiting for you when you come back. :)

  5. I know that can't be an easy decision. All the best to you and I also will be sitting right here, waiting for you to come back. :) Happy New Year, Rivki.

  6. Sorry to hear you won't be posting for a while, but glad you'll be leaving your blog up. Your vegetable soup is one of my favorites!

  7. The great thing about blogging is that you can take breaks and we'll all be here waiting when you're ready to come back!

  8. I was just thinking about your blog the other day and wondering if you decided to quit blogging. I'm glad to hear it's only a break and not a break-up--I hope you'll be back soon and I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you and your family!

  9. We'll be here when you come back! Enjoy your break!!

  10. Glad to hear it is just a break - will miss your blog. However I understand as it is very time-consuming! Bon chance!

  11. Oh chica, I will miss you and your delicious food but please do stay in touch and let us know how you're doing!

  12. Just wanted to let you know that you're missed, loved, and appreciated! <3

  13. I wanna have that Raspberry Peach Tart over the dinner table. I know my family will love it and will always ask me to prepare this for them.

  14. You are right, day by day we are going to so busy and our life is running more and more faster.
